Henry is a rolling machine!! Gone are the days I could put him down on his back and not worry about him rolling off things or furniture:) He has been quite vocal lately too as he experiments with many different octaves. He seems to really respond to music, especially when Matt plays guitar or steel drums. He's content to just lie there and listen. I am wondering whether he will be a musician like Matt....I know Matt plans on getting him a mini set of steel drums any day now! He is also able to sit through an entire book pretty well these days. Among our favorites this week are : A Hunting We Will Go, Shhh Everybody's Sleeping and Five Little Ducks.
Tonight I will begin my tutoring job with my first student. I am really looking forward to teaching again! It will be a nice contrast to being with Henry all day. Matt will take Henry and have some quality time with him while I am gone.
Below you will find a recipe for quinoa black bean salad that I just made for lunch. Pretty tasty....I just sort of made it up. And, a picture of my sleeping angel. Hope everyone is having a good Monday!!
Sleeping angel
Quinoa Black Bean Salad
cooked quinoa
can of black beans (or you can soak dry beans if you wish!)
cherry tomatoes
fresh parsley
fresh cilantro
roasted red peppers
olive oil
white wine vinegar (or whichever kind you prefer)
salt pepper
? add pineapple to give it a tropical taste?
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