Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is Here!

First time in my stroller without the car seat...I am a big boy!!
Sitting up (assisted!)
Fall is here at our farmer's market
Mom's favorite flower..couldn't resist!

I've been meaning to get on here for the last several days to post some new pics from our trip out to Monhegan Island last weekend. But every time I go to do it (during Henry's nap times) I realize Matt has all of our photos on his computer which is at school with him! So, you'll have to wait for those...hopefully I'll get to it soon!

But, we've had a lot going on in the meantime.. We returned from our trip to New York and I swear it took us all a week to recover. We were all taking advantage of Henry's nap times! But, we are back into our rhythm which feels good. Henry is on a (sort of) nap schedule finally...after five months of just watching and responding to his sleep cues. So, this is nice for me! I can actually get some things done around the house for longer amounts of time, make dinner ahead of time or even enjoy a nice cup of tea!

Henry had a nice time going to two indoor play spaces this week. On Monday we went to Greenlight Studios in Portland where they have lots of fun toys and things to explore. There were tons of little kids who I think thought Henry was a doll of sorts. They kept coming up to us and wanting to touch Henry's head and feet. It was too cute! Yesterday we went to Peekaboo in Westbrook with twenty moms and their babies from one of our play groups. We took over the entire space! It was really fun seeing some people I had met before and meeting lots of new moms and babies.

Now, it is Wednesday which means we are off to the library for story hour and then to the farmer's market for some treats. Henry tried avocado last night and this morning..can't figure out whether he liked it or not! We also gave in and bought a big old "exer-saucer" last night for Henry to play around in...we'll post pictures of that when we get it assembled:)

Here are some good pics that I took of H this week. More to come....
Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful fall weather. As one of my mommy friends said the other day, "what's better than a beautiful fall day?...a beautiful fall day with my new son!" I agree!!!

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