Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catching up...

Henry after bathtime
Just chillin, thanks
I am happy boy in my Daddy's arms
Mommy's whispering, "I love you Henry"
Two peas in a pod..
Henry's in "Command Central"
I like the overalls Momo sent
How do you like our pumpkins?

Hello all. I realized I have been slacking here on the blog front...I guess we've been busy! We had a nice, quiet weekend. We went to Two Lights State Park for a picnic, watched the Patriots game with friends, got our pumpkins and took some nice walks. The last few days have been rainy so we have been doing lots of indoor activities and taking advantage of some nice naps. Today was beautiful and warm so Henry and I got out of the house! Henry went on his first jog with me in the running stroller. I did all the work as Henry slept the entire hour we were gone:) We explored a new trail that is in our neighborhood that was recently constructed. It was fun and Henry seemed to really enjoy his nap while I got a good workout! We also visited the story hour at the library and saw some of Henry's friends. We then took a walk up Congress never know what you might see on Congress! It's a street full of color, let's say. Tomorrow we will go to a special class on sign language, which I am excited about! I have been teaching Henry the signs for milk, mom, dad, more, sleep, bath and many more...even though he may not be using them yet, he is certainly watching me and hopefully will begin to use them soon. We have also been doing lots of eating in the last few days. So far Henry has tried avocado, banana, sweet potatoes, rice cereal and Daddy gave him water in a big boy cup today! I figured out the best routine for eating is to put Henry in his seat without clothes on, let him eat and "explore" his food and then immediately take him into the bathroom for a bath! I am not sure how much of the food is actually being ingested these days!
Well...that's it for our update. Hope you are all having a lovely week.

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