Beautiful plants at the nursery..going to build a greenhouse in our next home so we can have lemon trees year round!
Do you like this pumpkin Henry?
Henry and Mommy hanging out
Two peas in a pod
3 bean chili cooking in the new crock pot...yum!
I am really on the move these days...look out!
Hello all...this weekend Matt and I tackled our "to do" list which of course is ninety pages long, but that's okay! We took Henry all around town to Home Depot, the nursery, grocery shopping, Target, etc, etc. It was a busy day, but we felt like we accomplished a lot! Henry was such a trooper. On our outing I picked up a crock pot, something I have been meaning to get for a while now. Wow, is it convenient!? I can put dinner in the pot at noon and we are ready to go by dinner time...works very well for our schedule around here. Henry is enjoying his food too. So far he seems to really like pears, apples, sweet potatoes, rice cereal and rice cake thingies. He doesn't care for avocado or bananas. Oh well! I went to a baby food making "party" the other night and made a bunch of good things for him to try in the coming weeks. It has been fun, but it does take effort! The next big item on the "to do" list is going to be to baby-proof our home. This is no easy task! We are going to have to buy lots of sturdy gates and rearrange half our house. If anyone has any advice or helpful tips, please let us know! For not being able to crawl or walk yet, Henry is getting around very well these days and it won't be long until he discovers the pantry or the steep stairs, so we are going to need to get on it! We've been enjoying these beautiful fall days full of sunshine and nice cool temps. We even turned on our gas stove a few times for early mornings. I have been having problems with my back since Henry was born (imagine that!) so walking and running have been put on hold for a few days now...bummer! But, we'll get back to our daily jaunts soon enough. Hope everyone is well! Enjoy some photos from the last few days.
How was the chili? Looks great! :)