Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Auntie comes to town!

Mmmm..Auntie feeding me rice cereal for dinner
Auntie and I at story hour
Trying on my new boots that Auntie gave me

Auntie arrived last night right before Henry's bedtime. He was so happy to greet her! We put Henry to bed and had a nice salmon dinner here at 239. Henry had a good, full night of sleep, probably because he was so worn out with excitement! This morning Auntie and I took him to the story hour at the library. After the library we decided to head to the mall because it was raining cats and dogs. It was such a pleasure to actually try some things on while Auntie watched Henry! It's been a while since I was able to go shopping:) We ended our shopping excursion with a nice lunch out. This afternoon Henry has been fighting his nap and more interested in playing and smiling at Auntie. Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight. Matt and I are going out for a "date night" while Auntie puts Henry to sleep. We are going to see a movie, something we haven't done since Henry was born! It will be a nice rainy night out. Thanks to Auntie for all of her help today! So glad she is here.

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