Daddy was hoping Henry's shoes would help his beloved team the other night...
We are working on liking tummy time a little more
It looks like I am giving you a thumbs up
Happy boy after bath time
Daddy and I spending some time before bed
Here are the stats:
Height: 25 inches
Weight: 13.5 lbs.
Head circumference: ? Big!
Dr. Phan also gave us the green light to go ahead and start introducing solids. This should be a very fun phase! So, tomorrow we will begin with rice cereal. I am sure Henry will love food as he is already looking at us curiously when we eat our meals. I think he is going to like fruit because that's all I craved for while pregnant. We just hope Henry will be an adventurous eater and try lots of different things...we'll see!
Tomorrow Henry will be 4 months old. Hard to believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday that our little angel was born. We are enjoying every day as we watch him grow into his own little person. He is a really neat fellow.
It is hot here today as I am sure it is everywhere else...we are looking forward to some fall crisp air soon....okay, time to tuck our Henry in.
Goodnight everyone.
Congrats to Henry on his health and enjoy the new diet! He's getting so big! Happy 4-month!