Monday, August 16, 2010

Henry loves to EAT!

Thumbs up for rice cereal!
Happy boy during play time
What a smile:)
I love to talk, talk, talk!!

Well, it's only been a day, but Henry seems to love rice cereal already. He wasn't quite sure about it yesterday morning but when we tried it again yesterday afternoon he seemed to enjoy it a bit more. This morning he absolutely LOVES it! He ate an entire (small!) bowl of it with Daddy's help. He is going to be an eater, that's for sure! Here are some more good pics of our little man enjoying his first real meal.

By the way, Henry rolled the other day for the first time as well. He rolled from his tummy onto his back. He is also really into making high-pitched squealing noises currently. We're not sure what he is trying to communicate. Any guesses?

Rainy morning here in Portland..first rain we've had in a while. Our flowers will be happy.

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