Friday, April 15, 2011

Henry Turns 1!!!

Henry had such a special birthday weekend! On Friday his grandmother, aunts and uncle came to town to celebrate with us. We had a lovely, low-key celebration that included a yummy "binky" cake which Henry tasted and seemed to enjoy. We took some nice walks, had some nice meals and celebrated Henry turning 1! On Sunday we joined 26 other 1 year old babies for a group birthday party. It was so cute to see all the babies toddling around, eating their first cupcakes and playing together! On Monday, which was Henry's actual birthday, he got an aquarium and it is set up right next to his crib. He absolutely loves it and I think it is so relaxing and calming! It was such a great weekend and I still cannot believe that one year ago I was taking a brand new Henry home from the hospital. It has been such an amazing journey and we are so proud of our baby boy!

Enjoy seeing how special Henry's birthday celebrations were!

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