Saturday, January 29, 2011
Enjoying winter...
We had a busy week here and oh boy is Henry changing ever so quickly. The updates on Henry's new skills are: he can pull himself to a standing position, he can stand holding onto things for minutes at a time, crawl anywhere and everywhere, go up stairs, say "mama and dada" and sleep through the night. Wow, have we enjoyed watching Henry develop and is amazing to see him connecting with the world more and more each day. To hear him call out "dada" from his crib in the morning makes getting up and starting the day so easy and worthwhile!! We love it... Other highlights this week included a beautiful snowshoe hike on the golf course, testing out Henry's new sled, getting new toys to practice standing with and our weekly swim lesson. Henry loves to be in the pool...he smiles almost the entire time and the instructor gets such a kick out of him. Despite the pool water being a bit too chilly for my taste, we are really enjoying the swimming. I hope everyone is plowed out from the latest snow storm and that everyone is enjoying this beautiful winter day as much as we are. Stay tuned.... Love to all.
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