Saturday, January 29, 2011
Enjoying winter...
We had a busy week here and oh boy is Henry changing ever so quickly. The updates on Henry's new skills are: he can pull himself to a standing position, he can stand holding onto things for minutes at a time, crawl anywhere and everywhere, go up stairs, say "mama and dada" and sleep through the night. Wow, have we enjoyed watching Henry develop and is amazing to see him connecting with the world more and more each day. To hear him call out "dada" from his crib in the morning makes getting up and starting the day so easy and worthwhile!! We love it... Other highlights this week included a beautiful snowshoe hike on the golf course, testing out Henry's new sled, getting new toys to practice standing with and our weekly swim lesson. Henry loves to be in the pool...he smiles almost the entire time and the instructor gets such a kick out of him. Despite the pool water being a bit too chilly for my taste, we are really enjoying the swimming. I hope everyone is plowed out from the latest snow storm and that everyone is enjoying this beautiful winter day as much as we are. Stay tuned.... Love to all.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Snowshoeing Fun!
When you live in Maine you have to be active in the winter because the winter is just too long and beautiful to sit inside the whole time! And, thank goodness Matt and I are winter sports enthusiasts and now so is Henry! We want to put Henry on skis the day he learns to walk:) and to make sure he gets to know just how beautiful the state he lives in is. So, we have been taking him on many adventures and yesterday was a beautiful one! We headed out to one of the many places in the nearby area that offers miles of cross country ski and snowshoe trails. It was a chilly 23 degrees, but the sunshine warmed us up and of course so did carrying an 18 lb. child on our backs! We did a nice loop and knew by the wonderful sounds Henry made from the backpack that he really enjoyed his first snowshoe (out of the womb that is!). His cheeks were nice and rosy and he was fast asleep when we got back to the car and got him out of the backpack. He took a nice snooze on the drive home. We look forward to more snowstorms and more opportunities to get out and enjoy the great outdoors with Henry!
Enjoy the pics of us enjoying our Martin Luther King Jr. weekend!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Henry is 9 months!
Henry is continuing to grow and amaze us every day! He turned 9 months on Tuesday...hard to believe our little baby is growing into a little boy. Henry had his 9 month check up with Dr. Phan yesterday and all is good. Dr. Phan is always happy to see smiley Henry and always comments on how cooperative and cheerful Henry is when he visits him. We'll see how long that lasts! Henry has grown to a big whopping 18 lbs. and is a long, lean 28 inches! He's meeting all of his developmental milestones and as Dr. Phan said, "is looking really healthy and good." So, as parents, we feel blessed and thankful that Henry is doing so well. Henry's favorite activities lately are: crawling, scooting, getting into everything he shouldn't, playing peek-a-boo, laughing, eating, sleeping through the night---yes!!, and babbling. He recently started sleeping through the night which of course is making everyone's quality of life so much better. We waited patiently for the day to arrive and it is here (and we did it without any tears!). It's amazing how much clearer the world is when I wake up after a long night's sleep. We are off to Henry's first swim lesson this morning, so stay tuned for some cute pictures. And, we got a huge snowfall this week so you know what that means..a hike through the woods with Henry is his sled tomorrow! For now enjoy the many shots of him enjoying his smoothies, cheerios and crib!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Christmas Continued
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
We've been on the go in the last week or so and I have neglected updating the blog! So, here are A LOT of photos from things we've been up to. Highlights include: gingerbread house party at Erin and Killian's, Christmas eve here at 239 Cumberland, new sleds and toys for Henry, a wonderful trip to Momo's, a rockin' New Years eve and a beautiful New Year's day walk on Crescent Beach (no, we did not participate in the polar bear dip!). We had such a special holiday season with the greatest gift being our baby son Henry. We look forward to 2011 bringing everyone lots of peace, joy and happiness. Happy New Year to all! Peace on earth.
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