Sunday, December 12, 2010

Momo Comes to Town!

Momo arrived on Friday and what a wonderful visit we had! I feel like I didn't get to spend much time with her, but that's only because she babysat Henry all weekend so Matt and I could have time to ourselves. What a luxury it is to go out to dinner without your eight month old! On Friday night Matt and I went up to Freeport and had a lovely dinner at a cute Italian bistro. We then did some late night Christmas shopping at LL Bean. It felt really weird to be without Henry for a few hours. On Saturday Momo treated me to an afternoon of "mommy pampering" at the spa at the Inn By the Sea while Matt went to work in his studio for the afternoon. Then Matt met me for another romantic dinner last night. What a treat! I almost fell asleep during my massage..imagine that! Thank you SOOOO much Momo! I know Henry appreciated his one on one time with you and I am glad you got your Henry fix too! Momo's flight got cancelled today due to the stormy weather on the eastern seaboard so she ended up having to take a bus and then a train back home to Connecticut..what a trooper! Thanks again mom for such a wonderful weekend, we appreciate it!

Because I wasn't around Momo too much this weekend we didn't get that many pictures of her and Henry. We'll make sure to fix that when we see her over Christmas. But, we did manage to take a few cute pictures over the last few days of our big eight month old!!!

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